I’d like to point my readers to Pandora, a streaming music service which lets you define multiple channels for the different types of music that you like. You start each channel with a seed, which is a song or artist that you like. The service chooses songs similar to this and you then mark them as thumbs up or thumbs down, thus refining the channel more towards your musical taste. It is Flash and browser based, no downloads necessary. Sign up is easy, and the service is free, though add supported. Highly recommended!
Category: Technical
Thought I’d do a bit of a defrag on my old Windows 2000 box. A few minutes in, I got a blue screen:
multiple_irp_complete_requests stop: 0x00000044 (0x852CCE68, 0x00000D39, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
Tried a chkdsk but got the same error, even when running it on boot in console mode.
After some web trawling, found this google answer, which suggested that the problem was caused by ‘Intel Application Accelerator’ conflicting with recent service packs.
After uninstalling the ‘Intel Application Accelerator’ my chkdsk finished successfully and defrag seems to be going fine.
Thank goodness for the internet and its wealth of technical solutions!
Well, after almost four years at EDI (now called CargoWise edi) I am leaving. I finish in the middle of January next year. It has been an interesting time, and I have learnt a lot working with very talented people and from building the framework for a big solution suite (around 4 million lines of C# code). I’ve also had the opportunity to experience the very different joys and pitfalls of product management.
I will be starting at ThoughtWorks (of NUnit, Jim Webber and Martin Fowler fame) in the middle of February in the new year. I’m expecting that there will be a lot of new exciting stuff to learn, and a lot of variety in terms of clients and technologies. ThoughtWorks are strongly XP, do a lot of development on client sites and even have some Rails projects. The people I have met from ThoughtWorks have all been very friendly and I look forward to starting there soon 🙂
A while back, I wrote a little rails app for Thai food ordering at my work. My colleagues place orders using the system and then bring money to the nominated orderer of the week. Once all orders are in and paid for (this is also tracked in the app), the orderer rings up our favourite Thai restaurant (Laddas) and places the order.
I have the app running from fairly cheap shared hosting. At peak times during the ordering, I guess that they’d be 15 or so people simultaneously using the app. We’ve used it many times without problems. Thus, I was quite surprised and displeased (as were my colleagues), when my hosting account was suspended and we couldn’t see what had been ordered this morning. A hasty email to my hosting provider revealed that my account had been suspended due to high load and “ruby flooding”. They were kind enough to un-suspend my account and we completed the ordering process.
I remembered seeing something about production mode in ‘environment.rb‘. Some googling confirmed my hunch – in development mode, rails apps are much more resource intensive. Caching is not used, and every single file needs to be reloaded every time it is required. After changing my app to production mode, it seemed to run noticeably faster. Michael and I ran ‘top’ and it looked like each request used less CPU.
So, should you be in a similar situation, this is how to change your app to production mode on fast-cgi Apache shared hosting:
- Confirm that ‘database.yml‘ in your app’s ‘config‘ directory has a section for production mode, and that it has up to date database connection details.
- Edit ‘environment.rb‘ in your app’s ‘config‘ directory.
- Add this line:
ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'production'
- Run ‘ps -u [your_user_name]’ to find if you have any ‘dispatch.fgi‘ processes running.
- If so, kill all of them (they’ll restart and use your new config settings).
- Browse to your app, it should now run faster.
I spent a bit of time this weekend on a pet rails project. I came across a strange error when trying to create new records through the application. Editing was working just fine, but creating a new record just seemed to hang.
Breakpoints came to my rescue. In Ruby, they’re really handy. You can put a ‘breakpoint’ call anywhere in your code, and if you have a breakpointer process running (start this with the command ‘ruby script/breakpointer’), you jump straight into an interactive ruby console debug session when the breakpoint is hit.
Using the development log and a few breakpoints, I found the that the error was:
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)
And that it was caused by a line similar to this:
@order = order.new(params[:order])
Ie, the controller was creating a new order from the post parameters.
Then all became clear – some time earlier, I’d overridden the initialize() method in the order to default some dates. My code was similar to this:
def initializesuper() if (@new_record) self.validFrom = Date.today self.validTo = 1.year.from_now.to_date end end
Great for creating new objects in my tests and console sessions where I always just created the object and then set properties. However, the controller was relying on passing in the post parameters in the constructor.
The solution is to accept any number of params and pass these to the base class:
def initialize(*params)super(*params) if (@new_record) self.validFrom = Date.today self.validTo = 1.year.from_now.to_date end end
That way, the order can accept the post parameters in its constructor.
I’m very pleased to say that I can now create new records again!
My fiancee, Soosun, is brushing up on her English skills before going to uni next year. As part of the plan to improve her writing, she’s started a blog. Friends and family can write comments on her posts to help improve her written English.
She just wrote a nice article on making kimchi, and I posted a comment containing a copy of her article with English improvements. But how can she tell what I’ve suggested? The solution we decided to use is kdiff3, a tool I use at work for comparing and merging source code. You can download it here. If you turn word wrap on, it is great for comparing English – shows up the differences beautifully.
I’ve been doing a little rails of late.. Here’s a summary of the stuff that I’ve learnt.
What hosting should I use in Australia for rails?
I’m using jumba (http://www.jumba.com.au). Jumba is very cheap (~$30AUD/year), and they give you shell access, mysql etc. However, there was a period of several weeks when they moved me to some server without an install of rails and kept promising to install rails and never did. I finally got them to move me back to their main server which has rails installed. It was a painful process, so I’m not sure if I would recommend them. That being said, things are going OK at the moment, and I’ve got a few development apps up and running on their service.
UPDATE 29 March 2006: Jumba summarily stopped rails support without notice and was rude when I contacted them about it. I would not recommend Jumba for web hosting anything – they have frequent down time, server switches and reboots and their low price is made up for by the amount of time you waste. They used to be OK, but no longer. I’m in the market for a new host, will post on how it goes.
How to set up rails applications in your home directory (in public_html) under a UNIX/Apache/cgi/fcgi environment
- Upload or create your application in your home directory. Eg, ~/MyRailsApp/
- In your public_html directory, create a soft link to the public directory of your app. Eg,
ln -s ~/MyRailsApp/public ~/public_html/MyRailsApp - Make sure dispatch.fcgi in the ~/MyRailsApp/public directory is executable. If not, chmod it a+x.
- Confirm that dispatch.fcgi has a valid path to ruby on the first line. If you’ve created this project on another machine, you’ll quite possibly need to update the path. The path is often something like ‘#!/usr/local/bin/ruby’, but check what it is under your system with ‘which ruby’. Special note for InstantRails users – you’ll always need to update the path when uploading to unix hosting, as instant rails uses a windows style path with the slashes the other way around.
- Update your ‘database.yml‘ file (in the ‘config‘ directory of your app) with correct database names, user names and passwords.
- Run ‘dispatch.fcgi‘ (in the ‘public’ directory of your app). If you see an ‘Internal Server Error’ message, you know things are going OK. If you’ve got the path to ruby wrong on the first line, or some other similar problem, you’ll find out about it here, where as if you run through the web, you don’t get these sorts of problems reported in an easy to understand way.
- Check out your running system in the browser (eg, browse to http://myhostingcompany.com/MyRailsApp/)
Tips for trouble shooting rails errors
- A good place to start is by reading your logs in the ‘log’ directory of your rails app. If you’re running a development configuration, have a read of ‘development.log’.
- Try manually running ‘dispatch.fcgi‘ in the ‘public’ directory of your app. If you get an ‘Internal Server Error’ message printed out on the console, it’s probably working ok. Alternatives to this are reports of missing files and unable to find ruby – often these aren’t shown when browsing to your web site.
Rails problems and solutions
1. Browser and logs show: Application Error – Rails app failed to start properly ”
I got this after my app was moved from one unix host to another by my hosting company. I tried heaps of stuff to try and resolve this. Eventually I created a brand new dummy project on the unix host called ‘Test’ and Test worked fine from the browser. I then tried my original project again and suddenly it worked fine! It has been working fine since. I can only imagine that there was some sort of problem in temporary files or similar which got flushed. No good explanation for this currently.
2. in `start_engine’: undefined method `add_path’ for Controllers:Module (NoMethodError)
I got this one when migrating a project from rails 1.1 to a later version of rails. The solution is to force update your rails engines:
script/plugin source http://svn.rails-engines.org/plugins
script/plugin install engines –force
script/plugin install login_engine –force
3. My app works fine if there is a trailing slash on the url. Otherwise, I get a ‘Bad Request’ error page. Eg, ‘http://myhost.com/myapp/’ works, but ‘http://myhost.com/myapp’ does not work.
Add a RewriteRule to the .htaccess file in your application’s public folder:
RewriteRule ^.*myapp$ http://%{HTTP_HOST}/myapp/ [R=301,L]
My basic .htaccess rewrites are as follows:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^.*myapp$ http://%{HTTP_HOST}/myapp/ [R=301,L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ dispatch.fcgi [QSA,L]
I tried removing the RewriteCond !-f, and my pages lost their styles. I think the condition allows the rails framework to load .css files directly without having the requests go through dispatch.fcgi.
UML Distilled: A brief guide to the standard object modelling language
(3rd Edition)
by Martin Fowler
UML Distilled is good. It is written carefully and concisely and has been heavily revised to cover UML 2. It is a opinionated book – it presents Martin Fowler’s view of UML. This is a good thing. Fowler concentrates on the parts of UML that he has found widely used in the industry, and the most useful in his own work. Fowler is not bound by the UML specification, he also describes “non-normative” diagrams (ie, variations on UML which are not standard but widely used). Fowler often provides his own view on a particular diagram or component. For example, I’ve often wondered when to use aggregation rather than association in a class diagram. Fowler cleared this up for me:
“Aggregation is strictly meaningless; as a result, I recommend that you ignore it in your own diagrams. If you see it in other people’s diagrams, you’ll need to dig deeper to find out what they mean by it. Different authors and teams use it for very different purposes.”
UML Distilled starts with an introduction about UML’s history and aims, and then a rapid look at different development methodologies and where to fit UML into them.
The core of the book covers the following diagrams/specs:
Class Diagrams
Sequence Diagrams
Object Diagrams
Package Diagrams
Deployment Diagrams
Use Cases
State Machine Diagrams
Activity Diagrams
Communication Diagrams
Composite Structures
Component Diagrams
Interaction Overview Diagrams
Timing Diagrams
Class diagrams and sequence diagrams are covered in detail, the other diagrams more briefly. The book is quite short, but gives enough information on each topic to allow you to understand and draw the diagrams. At the end of each chapter, there is a helpful “where to find out more” section and a “when to use this type of diagram” section.
There is also an appendix at the end of the book on changes between various versions of UML.
The book is surprisingly easy to read. Fowler’s style is clear and friendly and examples are well chosen.
My only complaint is that perhaps the book could have been a little longer to allow a bit more detail on some of the diagram types. I would have liked to have read a little bit more on object diagrams in particular.
I’d recommend the book to anyone who wants a rapid and concise introduction to or revision of UML 2.
Rating: 9/10
Full Title: My Job Went to India (And All I Got Was This Lousy Book), 52 Ways to Save your Job
Author: Chad Fowler of the Pragmatic Programmers
185 pages, Paperback
An interesting book written by Chad Fowler, who spent 1.5 years in India hiring and managing an outsourced team of developers. The book’s main focus is on how you can make yourself as, a developer, more valuable to your company / community so that your job is not outsourced. There are quite a lot of valuable and interesting ideas in the book for professional development, and “getting your name out there”. The book also gives the reader some idea of what development is like in India, some tips and the pluses and minuses of outsourcing.
The style of the book is conversational, and easy to read. I finished it in 2 days. I’d recommend it to developers wondering about outsourcing and looking for some tips on professional development.
Rating: 8/10