Update: I closed down this site in 2013, and let the domain lapse. In 2023, a zombie version was set up by parties unknown at the same domain, using my pages scraped from the wayback machine. This site does not work, and is not run by me despite having my name on it. I am attempting to have it closed down.
I’m really pleased to announce that YourWeddingPresents.com (a free, independent, wedding registry site) is now live!
When my sister was getting married, she had a lot of trouble finding a good free wedding registry that was not tied to any particular shop. I developed the wedding registry site to fill this gap, and also to improve my web programming skills. I’ve tried to design Your Wedding Presents to be really quick to sign up and easy to use. Please tell me if there are any problems with the site, or ways the site could be made better.
On the technical side, I developed Your Wedding Presents using Ruby on Rails. It is running on an Apache load-balanced Mongrel cluster and data is stored in MySQL. It is hosted on Rails Playground.
Brian E
503! Yikes -did your site get dugg or /.’d?
Nice application! Thank you
Keep up the good work
I really like the site. It was just what we needed and we were going round-about ways to accomplish the same thing.
May I ask how long you plan to keep it up. While, I understand you don’t have any liability with this site, I would hate it if you took the site down later on.
Hi Pinar,
Thanks for your comments. Sounds like I’d better revise the terms and conditions page! I plan to keep YourWeddingPresents.com up for a very long time. I also plan to keep improving the site.
Hi James.
The site looks great.
Im looking for something similar, anywhere i can get a glimpse of the code?
Hi Max, not giving out the code at this point, but you can make yourself a free registry and I’ll host it for you at yourweddingpresents.com
Thanks for a great site.
It was just what my fiancee and I needed; simple, elegant and easy to use.
Hi James. This is a really useful tool. How difficult would it be to provide a personalized direct link to a registry that could bypass the name/date lookup?