Software dev, tech, mind hacks and the occasional personal bit

Month: February 2009

Linux VirtualBox vs Windows for Rails Dev

So yes, everyone has heard that Mac OS X and TextMate is the epitome of Rails development, and that it is so awesome that it brings tears of joy to developers eyes, &c. However, for those of us who either don’t have a Mac, or get to work on client provided hardware (often running Windows), there are a few options available.

Developing on Windows XP, with InstantRails is workable. It is easy to get everything you need and have your apps up and running quickly. However, performance is, well, quite frankly, terrible for anything you do on the command line. Mainly, this bites when running tests, doing migrations, generating files etc. Performance running Mongrel is good enough for development.

What about Cygwin? Subjectively, I found it provided similar speed to Windows Ruby/Rails.

So this brings us to virtualisation. Recently, I’ve been testing out VirtualBox running Ubuntu on top of Windows XP. This has had surprisingly good results. On the same machine, the virtual Ubuntu running Rails tasks has about 4 times (!!!) faster performance, even though it has less memory and system resources!

Here are some stats to give you and idea of the advantage.

Machine is a 2.4ghz quad core, 4gig of memory running Windows XP. Using VirtualBox 2.1.4 for virtualized Ubuntu Intrepid 64 bit, with 1.5gig of memory allocated. Figures are in seconds and approximate (taken with a wrist watch).

  generate scaffold db:migrate with no changes run tests for medium sized rails app
Windows XP & Instant Rails 7 7 25
VirtualBox Ubuntu on same Windows XP 1.5 1.5 6

Some of these commands / tests rely on hitting a MySQL database. However, I’m interested in overall development speed for both platforms, not in Ruby speed in particular, so I think it is fair game to include these in the results.

So if you want to do Rails Dev on Windows, I highly recommend trying a virtual machine running Linux!

Vim with find file for Rails (like TextMate)

In a fit of TextMate jealousy, several months ago, I scoured the web for a way to get find-file functionality info my favourite Ruby/Rails editor, vim. I was very happy to find that Jamis Buck had developed an aweseome plugin do to this. It is a little fiddly to install, but worth the trouble. Here’s some simplified steps to get you going.

  • Install Jamis’s ruby gem
    sudo gem install jamis-fuzzy_file_finder --source=
  • Download this fuzzyfinder script and pop it in your ‘~/.vim/plugin’ directory. Note that the most recent versions of this script are incompatible with Jamis’s plugin.
  • Grab the latest version of ‘fuzzyfinder_textmate.vim’ from and pop it in your ‘~/.vim/plugin’ directory

Then, if you want to have a similar sort of light-weight Rails ‘IDE’ I enjoy coding with, see my config files below:


source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
behave xterm
set nu
set tabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set softtabstop=2
set ai
set expandtab
set smarttab
let g:rubycomplete_rails = 1

map f :FuzzyFinderTextMate<CR>
map n :tabnew<CR>
map c :tabclose<CR>
map m :tabnext<CR>

let g:fuzzy_ignore = "*.svn"
let g:fuzzy_ignore = "*.swp"
let g:fuzzy_ignore = "*.jpg"
let g:fuzzy_ignore = "*.gif"
let g:fuzzy_ignore = "*~"

set nobackup


source ~/.vimrc
set selectmode=mouse
set columns=100
set lines=50

In this set up, there are no chords etc. Instead, when not in edit mode, ‘n’ will open a new tab. ‘f’ will let you find a new file to open in the current tab. ‘c’ will close the current tab and ‘m’ will move between tabs. So in a normal workflow, you might decide to swap the file in the current tab for a new one (simply press ‘f’), or if you need another file open, hit ‘n’ for new tab, and then ‘f’ to load the relevant file. My text description doesn’t do it justice, but I find this works very well to get you to the file you want quickly, and let you have the files you’re interested in open all at the same time.

One last note, remember to start vim/gVim in the root of your rails directory.

Happy Vimming 🙂

These files are now available from my github dotfiles repository, including the gem inside of the vim/gems_required directory.

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